blog of bosh mainly cybersec

DiceCTF 2021

This weekend I wrote flippidy and babyrop, both easy (relatively speaking) pwn challenges for DiceCTF 2021.



Arch:     amd64-64-little
Stack:    Canary found
NX:       NX enabled
PIE:      No PIE (0x400000)

This was a heap note challenge. The provided libc version is 2.27 without the tcache double free check.

We are allowed to choose the size of our notebook.

We are given two functions:

  • Add - create a note (malloc(0x30)) at an index and write to the chunk. Doesnā€™t care if the index is taken, will not free it.
  • Flip - flip the notebook (swap d c b a to a b c d)

Further, the menu prints 4 pointers from a char * array, which correspond to the four lines that comprise the menu.

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Newark Academy CTF 2020

b1c takes third global and first in highschools (We stole Gabe for one algo challenge again).

We also maintained the b1c tradition of dropping from 1st to 3rd due to a single challenge (ahem veggie factory 5 ahem) šŸ™ƒ


Pwn 700, 23 solves

Weighted averaging is too hard, so I made a program to do it for you!

nc 30253


This solution takes approx. 2 minutes and 30 seconds to run on remote lol.

We are given three important functions: 1) Add a category 2) Set grades in a category 3) Print report

Each grade category is implemented as a struct. There is a global array of category entry structs, which is below:

There is enough space in the global category array for 16 structs.

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PoseidonCTF 2020

Good quality CTF from From Sousse, with love. DiceGang takes second.

Notably I helped with 1 heap, which got 4-5 solves. Unfortunately I had to go to sleep right before getting libc leaks so OP pepsi on the West Coast solved submitted, but I solved afterwards for fun.


Old, but gold

nc 9000

Full security checks are in place, so itā€™s a heap chall. The provided libc and ld are for glibc 2.26, which has tcache included.

The program allows us 4 slots which hold pointers to mallocā€™ed chunks. We can only create and delete these chunks, so no easy :leeks:

We also cannot allocate chunks larger than 0x100 size.

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InCTF 2020

High quality CTF from bi0s.

I played with DiceGang, and we got 2nd.

During the CTF I realized that I like harder pwn a lot more than harder web.

Party Planner

We are given the linker, libc, and binary.

The challenge uses glibc 2.29, with full security protections, so itā€™s a heap exploit.

We get a menu with 9 options:

  • Create a house
  • Create a person
  • Add person to house
  • Remove person to house
  • View house
  • View person
  • Party
  • Destroy house
  • Give up (exit)

The program maintains two arrays, an array of houses, and an array of free agents (people that havenā€™t been assigned to a house).

The program also maintains a ā€œcacheā€ person pointer. The pointer is updated on viewing / deleting a person.

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redpwnCTF 2020

b1c 1st place high schools :D

Four Function Heap

Pwn, 490

When ctf writers canā€™t think of interesting problems, thereā€™s always four function heap

nc 31774

My first decent heap solve :)

The idea is to get a write and overwrite one of the hooks (I chose to overwrite __free_hook) with a one_gadget to get a shell.

Usual security checks gives us:

boshua@cybersec:~/fourfunction/bin$ pwn checksec four-function-heap
[*] '/home/boshua/fourfunction/bin/four-function-heap'
    Arch:     amd64-64-little
    RELRO:    Full RELRO
    Stack:    Canary found
    NX:       NX enabled
    PIE:      PIE enabled
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